Craft Lake City 2012 Exhibitors

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Original Hooligan Art

Original Hooligan Art



About: Original Hooligan is art, specifically visual art, more specific post-graffiti. This Artist is a distinguish between contemporary and post-territorial graffiti; Blurring the lines of what he calls: Nu-corporate art.
"Original Hooligan" as an artist, does not aspire to change the definition of artwork, but rather to question the existance with a new language. "O.H." attempts to communicate with everyday people thru art with socially relevant themes informed by urban culture values without being imprisoned by them.. "O.H." has earned international attention for his work and has shown works in museums and galleries as well as on the street. Original Hooligan has achieved commercial success doing graphics for local companies and is in the works of starting a merchandising line. "O.H." has transitioned away from street art to traditional gallery and online exhibitions.
His online marketing has become a powerful outlet for reaching the public thru adapting visual artwork into a format which utilizes social media which allows this artist to reach a much broader audience. Original Hooligan Art is what is going on right now. Everyone should own at least one Original.

Craft genres: Graffiti/Street, Housewares, Painting





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