Craft Lake City 2012 Exhibitors

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The Cotton Floozy

Marie Brian



About: The Cotton Floozy is hermit craftster who spends her hours stitching and crocheting away while watching quality nerdy television shows. She can crochet a cozy for anything, including iProducts, pet dogs, and your plasticized dead Aunt Rita. She likes to embroidery samplers of movie and TV quotes. If it is weird, wacky, or subversive she wants to stitch its likeness. She also likes to upcycle old trashy book covers into bookmarks (with handmade yarn tassels, yo!) and wall art. She prefers being payed in Paypal, but also accepts waffles and box tops.

Craft genres: Knit Items, Pet Items, Repurposed/Upcycled


Twitter: TheCottonFloozy




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