Craft Lake City 2012 Exhibitors

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Corinne Piazza



About: You won’t find Corinne, creator of the Buffluca Project, on Facebook. In protest to her generation’s alarming zombification into profiles more than people, she wanted to create something to get people thinking. So she designed a line of clever “Facebook Fortunes” lovingly placed on t-shirts and bumper stickers (printed locally by Copper Palate Press) plus magnets, and cool kid buttons she makes herself.

Corinne’s “Facebook Fortunes” project isn’t about hating everyone with a page. She’s cool with you keeping your zombie status. The project is about shedding light on that underlying nagging feeling we can all relate to that Facebook is, in fact, not your friend, and having fun with the message to remind everyone to live in the present, not the post.

Craft genres: Clothing





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