Craft Lake City 2012 Exhibitors
Green Stitches
Amelia Prime
About: Green Stitches is a business born out of a love for antiques. What started as dabbling has now become a full time job of making the old new again. My husband Kel and I have been buying antiques for years, and have a deep love for making sure people understand that just because something isn't brand new, doesn't mean that it's worthless. Our home is decorated in many items that some would see as obsolete; typewriters, glass pitchers, and ceiling tiles, make up our decor.
We have been a part of the local crafting community for several years, and decided to combine our love of antiques with our love of crafting. All of the items we sell have an antique element to them, from the repurposed dishware, to some of the fabrics used in our dolls. The earrings are made from a vintage plastic and what was once an old pillowcase is now a chic skirt. Not only are we helping to keep these great finds in circulation, we are helping to forward the thoughts of the Green movement (hence the name).
Craft genres: Children's Items, Clothing, Repurposed/Upcycled