Holiday Market Exhibitor Checklist

As an exhibitor, we know you’ve spent countless hours creating beautiful and functional designs for your space. If you are a veteran of markets and fairs, you’ve probably learned through trial and error what miscellaneous odds and ends you should have on hand to make you more comfortable or to deal with the unexpected. We too have learned a thing or two over the years about being prepared, and we thought we’d share! 


What will be provided for you, depending on your space selection, either:

  • 10’x10’ Space: 10’ deep x 10’ wide of designated floor space to set up a “shop” in the venue. No walls, tables or chairs provided, but tables and chairs can be rented from Craft Lake City if desired. Email if you would like to rent tables or chairs. Exhibitors must bring a back “wall” for their space, secured with 20lb weights. The “wall” may be no more than 10 feet wide and 7 feet tall including all hardware, bases and weights.
  • 5’x10′ Space: 5’ deep x 10’ wide of designated floor space to set up a small “shop” in the venue. No walls, tables or chairs provided, but tables and chairs can be rented from Craft Lake City if desired. Email if you would like to rent tables or chairs. Exhibitors must bring a back “wall” for their space, secured with 20lb weights. The “wall” may be no more than 10 feet wide and 7 feet tall including all hardware, bases and weights.
  • DOUBLE 20’x10’ Space: 10’ deep x 20’ wide of designated floor space to set up a large “shop” in the venue. No walls, tables or chairs provided, but tables and chairs can be rented from Craft Lake City if desired. Email if you would like to rent tables or chairs. Exhibitors must bring a back “wall” for their space, secured with 20lb weights. The “wall” may be no more than 10 feet wide and 7 feet tall including all hardware, bases and weights.
  • If you have opted to have access to electricity for the $150 fee, it will be provided (you will need to bring extension cords and a power strip).

What you should bring:

Hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, and lotion – It’s a good idea to bring some sanitizing materials you can use to clean your hands, payment processor, and any other items in your space that may be touched by customers. Also, don’t forget some lotion to keep your hands happy! 

Payment processing device options – Be sure to prepare a payment processor (Square app/card reader, an iPad with Paypal, etc.) so customers can pay you using a credit card. Consider also creating a Venmo account as another super convenient cashless payment option. NOTE: exhibitors will NOT have access to WiFi at the venue, so be prepared with a cellular data-enabled device to process these payments!

Moving dolly/hand truck – If you have heavy items, this is a must! Many vendors choose to rent one from a company such as U-Haul for load-in and load-out days.

Furniture and/or materials for walls – All artisans are required to bring a back “wall” to make their space feel like a small store. This “back wall” can be made of fabric, wood, furniture or other materials. Side walls are not required but are permitted. The back wall must be no taller than 7 feet high, and must span most of the back of your space (10 or 8 feet) without extending beyond the taped area in your designated space (including hardware, bases and weights). The wall must be secured with 25lb weights.

Weights – For the safety of our attendees, we need to make sure your back wall is secure. Please be prepared with at least 4 weights, 20lb each, to secure your wall.

Hanging and display hardware – Be prepared with the items you’ll need to hang and display your wares onto your “back wall”. NOTE: exhibitors are strictly prohibited from attaching anything to the walls of the building (not even Command Strips)!

A chair or two – To sit on when things are slow or your feet are tired, or to stand on when hanging things in the space. You are welcome to rent tables and chairs from us in advance by emailing, as it’s one less thing to load in and out of the venue..

Long table covers – This will make any tables in your area look nicer, and lets you hide supplies and extra inventory underneath.

Duct tape or gaffer tape – the MacGyver of tools

Extension cords – If you have requested electricity, bring heavy-duty, three-prong extension cords and a power strip, as the source of your power may not be directly inside your space. 

Lighting – As artisans will be indoors, lighting will be available all day in the building. However, if you would like to have special or additional lighting in your space, we recommend using battery-powered lights. Remember to test your lighting in advance.

Plastic bins with snap-on lids – These are great for consolidating and organizing tools, extra inventory, snacks, etc. Make sure they’re not so big that you can’t lift them when they’re full.

Reusable water bottle & snacks – For staying hydrated and energized!

Business cards, flyers, etc. – A customer take-away of some kind as a reminder for repeat business, or to check you out later if you sell out of product. 

Battery-powered cell phone charger – Especially if you are using a mobile device to accept credit card payments. Make sure you can re-charge your device without electricity and keep ringing up those sales!

Recyclable or biodegradable bags (optional) –Attendees will be asked to bring their own shopping bags as part of CLC’s commitment to sustainable initiatives. Vendors must avoid providing plastic bags for customers, but may consider recyclable paper bags or biodegradable/compostable bags made from non-GMO plant-based materials as alternatives if necessary.

Want to learn more about Craft Lake City? Check out our programming here!