Meet Alex Porpora, the 2017 DIY Fest Google Fiber STEM Building Coordinator! Alex is passionate about the blend of art and science. She brings her enthusiasm to her work as she works to curate the Google Fiber STEM Building at Craft Lake City’s 9th Annual DIY Festival. Alex is sharing with us what is going on in the STEM Building and how art and science may overlap more than you might think.

Want to know who my favorite scientist is? You may not believe me. It’s Beatrix Potter! You may know her from the numerous children’s books she authored, like Peter Rabbit. She was also an avid naturalist and her detailed images of mushrooms are still used by mycologists (people who study fungus) today! With a discerning eye, you can see the connections between art, science and our daily lives everywhere.
It’s one of the reasons why I am so thrilled to be the STEM Building Coordinator at the Craft Lake City DIY Festival. This year, in addition to the connections between art and science, you’ll see a few other themes standing out in the crowd. Read on to learn more and plan to make the most of your visit to the Google Fiber STEM Building! Utah has a vibrant community of DIY Engineers, Makers and Tinkerers. We’re also a hub for science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship. Now more than ever, science is accessible to everyone, and as an individual, you can hone your scientist skills and contribute to actual research—it’s a great way to learn about careers in science! Let our Google Fiber STEM exhibitors show you how.

From the Silicon Slopes to citizen science projects, a plethora of opportunities to engage in the STEM community awaits you here in Utah. Meet some of the DIY Engineers who are tapping into this community with their projects. You can also learn more about how to be engaged with science in your communities when you visit the Natural History Museum of Utah exhibit on citizen science.

Many of the exhibitors in the Google Fiber STEM building turned their great ideas
into real products. With just an idea, a little knowhow, and some good old-fashioned hard work, they are contributing to our unique culture of entrepreneurship here in the Beehive State. Visit FUZE Interactive, Momentum Recycling, and STUDENTfacturED to learn more about the individuals turning their ideas into real projects.
The possibilities for careers in STEM are endless, and the sky is really the limit. (Unless you’re planning on going into space—then the only limit may be your imagination!) Every single one of our exhibitors can pique your curiosity in amazing STEM careers. For more down-to- earth ideas, you can stop by the STEM Action Center table.
All this is possible thanks to our amazing sponsors and champions of science in the community: Google Fiber, KUER and the Utah STEM Action Center. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the STEM Building!