Holly Jones

I decided to show how we use our hands to feel different temperatures and textures. The idea of snowflakes represent a cold temperature. I added dimensions and texture to my piece to represent the feelings of texture. Kids are especially fascinated with touch and textures, so I hope they will have fun running their hands on the different snowflakes and using their senses to feel all the different textures and dimensions in my piece. – Holly Brooke Jones
Website: hollybrookejones.com

Celebration of the Hand was started by The Temporary Museum of Permanent Change and Craft Lake City in the Summer of 2012 as a way to highlight and showcase the work of local artisans participating in the Craft Lake City DIY Festival. The Celebration of the Hand pieces are installed into steel Plakats, which are adjacent to the sidewalks on the North and South sides of Broadway (300 South) between 200 West and 200 East.

The exhibit is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is free to the public.
