Bam! Pow! Kablooey!
That’s the sound of Craft Lake City completely crushing it last month. This event is so amazing, and Yelp was honored to be a part of it all again in 2012.
Our job at Yelp is to help connect people with great local businesses, so supporting an incredible event like Craft Lake City is a no-brainer. It’s inspirational to see even more local artists, engineers, and all-around-inspiring makers-of-radness connecting directly with the public.
The Yelp Booth at the 2012 Craft Lake City Festival
We wanted to shout as loud as we could to help spread the word about CLC, so we were happy to feature the event in our Weekly Yelp newsletter. This year we took it even further and set up a booth to help everyone else shout from their own rooftops via social media. We encouraged everyone to check in on Yelp, and broke out the world-famous, always-popular Wheel O’ Yelp to give away prizes to those who did – as if the special $5 CLC T-shirt discount offer wasn’t sweet enough.
Festival attendees could check in via the Yelp app to receive $5 off a Craft Lake City T-shirt
We let everyone know about the #craftlakecity hashtag and @craftlakecity handle on Twitter and Instagram, respectively. If anyone was low on juice, we had a mobile-phone charging station, so there were no excuses to miss telling your tweeps, followers and Yelp friends about the fun. How rad was it to see #craftlakecity trending in Salt Lake?
#craftlakecity was trending on Twitter in the Salt Lake City area on August 11
And how about the food? Mmmmm! We wanted to highlight the delicious options available, so we prepped a little game: Match the Yelp review with the food vendor. Just peep a few of the pics from vendors in the food court including Melty Way, The Pie and Ramblin’ Rose Cafe.
Tasty grilled cheese from the Melty Way
We’ve also seen a huge influx of new food trucks in SLC, and they were definitely well-represented. They included Pogi’s Pizza Truck, ChowTruck, Better Burger, Submarinos, Lewis Bros and Waki Paki.
The Chow Truck started to get crowded as more people showed up.
Photo: Samuel Milianta
The Better Burger truck.
Photo: Samuel Milianta

Photo: Russel Daniels
– Jeffrey Steadman
Yelp Salt Lake City
On Twitter: @yelputah