Artist Adrienne Cataxinos. Photo courtesy of John Barkiple
Craft Lake City cares deeply about our creative community and the future of the artisans that enrich our culture. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many creatives may feel overwhelmed in how to manage the winter months and make ends meet. As Utah crafters, makers, builders, performers and artisans continue to face the economic challenges during this uncertain time, we wanted to provide a refreshed winter list of available grants, professional development, mental health tools, project assistance and resources for those needing additional support as we move into the colder months ahead.
Craft Lake City remains committed to elevating the creative culture of the Utah arts community. We realize the challenges of adapting while facing months on end of the unknown is depleting in more ways than one. We are encouraged to witness the ingenuity and tenacious spirit of our crafters community that continues to create during these distressing times. We understand this can take a toll, both mentally and economically, on Utah artisans. The internet can be an overwhelming place right now, and it can be tough to find the support you need. We hope that for many, this list of resources will be a starting point for accessing assistance that will empower, encourage and support. Looking to the new year, we hope artisans of all varieties continue to build, make, create and inspire.
Art Access — Art Access has created an Artist Relief Fund for BIPOC and Disabled Artists. This Artist Relief Fund is for artists with disabilities or BIPOC (black/indigenous/person of color) artists who have lost income due to the Covid-19 pandemic. If you are an artist with a disability and/or a BIPOC artist you can apply to receive a one-time $500 grant. Please their website for more information.
- Utah Division of Arts & Museums Individual Artists Fellowship — The Individual Artist Fellowship is a $5,000 unrestricted award to acknowledge and encourage the careers of established, professional Utah artists who are demonstrating exceptional creativity in the performing and visual arts. Eight fellows — four in performing arts and four in visual arts — will be selected to receive the fellowship award. Applications are open January 25 – February 26, 2021. Please visit their website for eligibility and application information.
Salt Lake City Arts Council Artist Career Empowerment Grant —The Salt Lake Arts Council acknowledges that the current economic recession has disproportionately impacted our creative sector, but that Black, Indigenous, and other Persons of Color (BIPOC) have suffered greatly as a result of systemic racism and inequality which exists in our industry and beyond. This grant program was designed to provide financial support to individual artists and creative entrepreneurs to help stimulate, advance, and empower their creative interests and commercial enterprises. Grant awards for this program will range from $500 – $2,000, with a portion of these funds being prioritized and awarded to artists who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or other Persons of Color (BIPOC). Applications close on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 5:00pm MST. This link has further information on eligibility.
Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants —New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is proud to partner with the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation to administera new emergency grant program called Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants. TheRauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants program provides one-time grants of up to$5,000 for unexpected medical, dental, and mental health emergencies experienced by artists in the past six months.
- Artist Relief — Artist Relief will distribute $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19; serve as an ongoing informational resource; and co-launch theCOVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers, designed by Americans for the Arts, to better identify and address the needs of artists. The Artist Relief Cycle IX will fund at least 100 artists per week and applications are currently open. This link has further information on eligibility.
- Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Grant — The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation Emergency Grant Program is focused on those with which we have the most experience — illness, natural disasters, accidents, fires, and similar occurrences. The maximum amount of this grant is $15,000; an award of $5,000 is typical. The Emergency Grant Program and the Individual Support Program assists mature visual artists in painting, drawing, printmaking and sculpture. Please see this link for further information and eligibility requirements.
- Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund — The Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund is intended to help those pursuing careers as artists or arts administrators whose income has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is for those who self-identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). The fund offers a one-time microgrant of US $200 per person. To apply, click here. If you fit this description and you are in need of short-term, immediate financial assistance, click here to apply.
CERF +’s Emergency Relief Grants — CERF+’s emergency relief grants will focus on materials-based craft and folk/traditional artists that incurred significant medical expenses related to treatment and recovery from COVID-19 AND/OR experienced a recent, career threatening emergency, such as an illness, accident, fire or natural disaster. To learn more about eligibility and applying, visit their website.
- Foundation for Contemporary Arts — The Foundation will disburse one-time $1,500 grants to artists who have had performances or exhibitions canceled or postponed because of the pandemic. To learn more about the Emergency Grants COVID-19 fund and eligibility, visit their website.

Utah Community Action — Utah Community Action is a nationally recognized provider of comprehensive services for income-eligible families. Their six core programs—Head Start, Adult Education, Case Management & Housing, Nutrition, HEAT, and Weatherization—address barriers to self-reliance to empower individuals, strengthen families, and build communities. HEAT services offer subsidized assistance to manage the utility costs of income-eligible households. Case Management & Housing assists those experiencing a temporary financial crisis with rental and deposit assistance, landlord-tenant mediation, homeless services and holistic case management. For more information and to apply assistance, visit their website.
- Salt Lake City Public Utilities’ Water Assist Program — The program provides limited financial assistance and budget counseling to eligible residents experiencing difficulty paying their bills.
- Utah Department of Workforce Services COVID-19 page — Useful information about filing for unemployment insurance, child care, food and medical assistance, and a temporary layoff virtual workshop. Also, check out this video ‘How independent contractors can apply for CARES funds’ to learn how to navigate the process.

- Artist Wellness Video Series — Artist Relief is producing a weekly video series on the subject of wellness. These sessions are led by artists representing a broad spectrum of creative practices and voices, and include discussions of movement, meditation, herbalism, sound therapy and music, poetry/writing prompts, and more. Each video is created by a different artist for the broader artistic community. New videos are posted every monday at 11 a.m. EST. To learn more, visit their website.
Frye Art Museum Mindfulness Meditation — In this uncertain time, the practice of mindfulness meditation can offer a sense of calm amidst our to-do lists and more fully appreciate the gift of each day. The Frye Art Museum is offering virtual Mindfulness Meditation sessions throughout the summer. Click here to learn more.
- Care for Your Coronavirus Anxiety — Resources for coping with anxiety in a global climate of uncertainty. The team at Shine, in partnership with Mental Health America, have vetted and compiled a wealth of research-backed and helpful tools for you—articles, meditations, access to mental health experts, anxiety screenings, and more. Think of Care For Your Coronavirus Anxiety as your mental health toolkit during this time. Click here to learn more.
- Wellness For Makers — Artist Missy Graff Ballone teaches listeners new ski
lls to support a lifetime of making. With a mission to motivate and empower artists through education, mindful-living, and movement, each episode provides tips, tricks, and strategies to incorporate into everyday routine. You’ll also get to listen in on honest conversations with experts from around the world that will inspire you to create a studio practice that lasts! Click here to listen.
- Mental Health Resources to Help Prevent Creative and Professional Burnout – Creative and professional burnout — due to heavy workloads, long hours and lack of resources — affect 64 percent of tech professionals, according to ISACA’s Tech Workforce 2020 report. This article, shared by the UC Berkley Extension, offers resources on how to prevent and navigate burnout. Click here to learn more.

- Salt Lake City Department of Economic Development — Business resources for COVID-19 are provided here via Salt Lake City, local government. There are also links to webinars regarding professional development and working from home isolation.
- Small Business Development Center | Utah Valley University — The Orem Small
Business Development Center (SBDC) at Utah Valley University is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs get started in business and help small businesses grow. At no cost, SBDC offers free business advising, monthly workshops, clinics and trainings, and individual consultations. Make an appointment for a free Zoom business consultation or attend a webinar training by visiting their website.
- Utah Communities Connect WiFi Interactive Map — We included this in our Spring and Fall resource list but wanted to encourage anyone in the community in need of WiFi to use this free, interactive map to find locations offering exterior WiFi availability.
Utah Cultural Alliance — Utah Cultural Alliance is organizing support for our local humanities, arts, and museums nonprofits. At their site, there are opportunities to learn more about petitions, fundraising, community surveys, as well as their own long-list of resources available to creatives of all disciplines.
Utah Division of Arts and Museums — The Utah Division of Arts and Museums is a collaborative group of partners who are holding weekly video calls on Mondays at 3:30 p.m. to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on the cultural sector, available relief, and inspirational stories. All are invited to join. Additionally, there are vast lists of resources available— from emergency and medical aid, to project stipends and grants listed directly on their website.
- COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resource — This an accumulated list of free resources, opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines. Additionally, there is also a variety of emotional health and wellness tools available for use.
National Endowment for the Arts — The agency maintains a comprehensive and frequently updated list of news and resources for artists and art organizations.

Our hope is that artisans can find the help to take care, get support, and find the calm they deserve. We continue to be inspired by the resilience, ingenuity and positivity of our incredible creative community. Seeking help is a strength, not a weakness. We, and the wider community, are here for you. As we move into 2021, let’s continue to innovate and enjoy connecting with each other in new and exciting ways that strengthen, support, uplift, and inspire.
Do you know of additional funding resources to share? Let us know at: