Announcing 4 NEW Craft Workshops in Partnership With The Natural History Museum of Utah!

In this hands-on craft workshop presented by Craft Lake City and the Natural History Museum of Utah,local artisan Heather Leeflang of H Works Jewelry will introduce attendees to the art of metal scribing. Participants will inscribe constellations onto copper and brass discs, and then hand-score the patterns to create personalized charms. After the constellation designs are complete, the charms will be attached to a silver chain to create a necklace to wear or share. Materials will be provided and no experience is necessary.

Sign Up Here


About The Instructor: Heather Leeflang’s jewelry is designed to present complex ideas reduced to their most minimal forms – jewelry that is unadorned in its aesthetic. Throughout her life she has used jewelry as a way of communicating things about herself to the world, and she enjoys offering her work to others who connect to jewelry in the same way.
Instagram: @hworksjewelry



Join us in welcoming the upcoming spring season by learning to create beautiful, realistic poppies out ofcrepe paper! Sarah Dawson of Lively Clementine will teach you how to cut, shape, and tint crepe paper into gorgeous flowers. In this class, you will create a “lively” 3 flower arrangement to take home plus additional crepe for you to continue on your crepe paper artistry journey. This workshop is beginner-friendly, and all materials will be provided.

Sign Up Here

About The Instructor: Lively Clementine’s mission is to spread love by creating beautiful flowers. We believe that the very act of creating uplifts our own lives and in turn brightens the lives of those around us. Whether you want to “treat yo self” with a beautiful arrangement that will brighten your home or give the gift of flowers that will never die, both make the world a little more beautiful and loving. We are so grateful for the opportunity to create, uplift, and connect with you.
Instagram: @livelyclementine

Join Olio Skin & Beard Co. in this hands-on workshop and learn how to create beautiful, high-quality soap using fresh botanicals & wholesome, nourishing ingredients! Attendees will learn how to make their very own 1lb batch of cold-process soap using Olio’s recipe along with organic essential oils, Redmond Real Salt and botanicals, and will learn how to safely work with lye. Take it home to cure for 3-4 weeks, making it ready for gift-giving just in time for Mother’s Day!

Sign Up Here

About The Instructors: Derek & Jennifer Williamson began Olio Skin & Beard Company in 2013. Soap was not in our original business plan. Olio had a partnership with Bee Smooth Skin Care in the beginning phases, who made plant based, cold process soap for Olio. Bee Smooth Skin Care had to move states and not only encouraged, but taught Jen and Derek how to make cold-process soap. Educating about the function of the skin, how it works, what it needs daily and how to do skincare, Olio began hosting educational classes and workshops.
Instagram: @olioskinbeard

Join us for an evening of art and connection as artist Sarah May guides you through creating your own circular mandala weaving with bamboo hoops and learning about the ritual and symbolism of the mandala. No previous weaving experience is needed to participate, only a willingness to try something new, and play around with yarns, fibers, and other found objects. Materials and supplies are included with admission and workshop participants are welcome to bring their own yarn, fibers, and cloth scraps if you feel inspired.

Sign Up Here


About The Instructor: Sarah May (she/hers) is a biracial Salvadoraña artist, weaver, storyteller, and community organizer based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. She creates art and weavings under her artist name Cyanoweave, combining her specialties of cyanotype “sun print photography”, and circular mandala and freestyle weaving. Sarah started weaving as a way to connect to her Indigenous ancestry and is inspired by elements and colours in nature when creating her pieces.
Instagram: @sarahlizmay



Craft Lake City is thrilled to announce our continued partnership with the Natural History Museum of Utah to present our Spring 2022 workshop programming, with a return to in-person workshops! The NHMU mission is to “illuminate the natural world and the place of humans within it.” Craft Lake City is proud to manifest this mission statement with our upcoming workshops, which are designed to celebrate the beauty of the natural world.
For more information about the Natural History Museum of Utah’s current and upcoming exhibitions, and to purchase museum tickets, please visit the NHMU website here.

About Craft Lake City:

Founded in 2009 by Angela H. Brown, Executive Editor of SLUG (Salt Lake UnderGround) Magazine, Craft Lake City® is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with the mission to educate, promote and inspire local artisans while elevating the creative culture of the Utah arts community through science, technology and art. Craft Lake City strives to further define the term “Craft,” by modernizing the definition for handmade creativity. @craftlakecity

Craft Lake City’s year-round programming is supported in part by the residents of Salt Lake County through the Zoo, Arts & Parks (ZAP) Program, the Salt Lake Arts Council, the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation, and Utah Arts & Museums, with funding from the State of Utah and the National Endowment for the Arts.